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Main Page Search phrase: [Location = Olszanica \(now in Ukraine\)]

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Search results (44)

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Chodor Jan


The epilogue to September 1939 – Polish soldiers in Soviet captivity




Baranowicze (now in Belarus), NKVD prison, Brestskaya Street 258 Kozelsk (Russia, Kaluga Oblast), NKVD POW camp (Optina Pustyn) Busk (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Olesko (Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Olszanica (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Brody (now in Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Poltava (Ukraine) Starobilsk (Ukraine), NKVD POW camp Totskoye (Russia, Orenburg Oblast)


Wasiak Jan


The epilogue to September 1939 – Polish soldiers in Soviet captivity


1939.09.19- 1941.08.01


Podhajce (now in Ukraine) Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine), transit camp Żytyń Wielki (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Równe (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Dubno (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Radziwiłłów (now in Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Brody (now in Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Kupcze (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Kozłów (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Niesłuchów (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Podliski Małe (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Busk (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Hermanów (Tarasiwka, now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Olszanica (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Volochysk (Ukraine), transit camp Złoczów (Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Zborów (now in Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Starobilsk (Ukraine), NKVD POW camp


Perz Antoni 1900


The epilogue to September 1939 – Polish soldiers in Soviet captivity


1939.09.20 - 1941.08.30


Shepetivka (Ukraine), transit camp Podliski Małe (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Hermanów (Tarasiwka, now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Kurowice (now in Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Olszanica (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Złoczów (Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Volochysk (Ukraine), transit camp Starobilsk (Ukraine), NKVD POW camp


Miśnikiewicz Feliks 1907?


The epilogue to September 1939 – Polish soldiers in Soviet captivity




Zamość Shepetivka (Ukraine), transit camp Ostróg (now in Ukraine), transit camp (Barracks of the 19th Volhynian Uhlan Regiment) Podliski Małe (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Żydatycze (Hamaliyivka, Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Hermanów (Tarasiwka, now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Olszanica (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Starobilsk (Ukraine), NKVD POW camp Totskoye (Russia, Orenburg Oblast)