Explore touching stories of Polish citizens victims and witnesses of totalitarian crimes

Instructions for elaborating bibliographical descriptions and quoting accounts and testimonies gathered in the “Chronicles of Terror”


Please refer to our recommendations for elaborating bibliographical descriptions and quoting accounts published on the “Chronicles of Terror” portal.


Example 1


Archives of the Pilecki Institute, Chronicles of Terror, name and surname of witness, document name, abbreviated link with access date, original: name of the archive in which the original is located, catalog number of the archive in which the original is located.

Archives of the Pilecki Institute, Chronicles of Terror, Antonina Piątkowska, Protokół przesłuchania świadka z dnia 20.05.1946, https://www.zapisyterroru.pl/dlibra/show-content?id=3357 [accessed: 18.04.2023], original: Institute of National Remembrance, GK 196/139.


Name of the archive in which the original is located, catalog number of the archive in which the original is located, title of the archival unit, available: Archives of the Pilecki Institute, Chronicles of Terror.

Institute of National Remembrance, GK 196/139, Akta w sprawie karnej członków byłej załogi SS obozu koncentracyjnego Oświęcim-Brzezinka, available: Archives of the Pilecki Institute, Chronicles of Terror.