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Stanberg Edmund 15.07.1896
TopicWarsaw Ghetto – hell in the center of the city
LocationWarsaw, Ghetto German extermination camp of Treblinka Włochy (Warsaw) Treblinka, German extermination camp Warsaw, Muranowska Street 42 Łochów Skarżysko-Kamienna Treblinka, German extermination camp
Landau Jerzy (Mirowski Bolesław) 31.01.1895, Łódż
TopicWarsaw Ghetto – hell in the center of the city
LocationWarsaw, Ghetto
Łącki Mikołaj 30.10.1888, Loyew (Belarus)
TopicWarsaw Ghetto – hell in the center of the city
LocationWarsaw, Ghetto
Błońska Stefania Maria 14.04.1919, Warsaw
TopicPawiak, Szucha, Gęsiówka – Warsaw death blocks
LocationWarsaw, Gestapo detention center, aleja Szucha 25 KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Warsaw, Ghetto, Nowolipki Street 29 Warsaw, Pawiak prison, Dzielna Street 24/26 Treblinka, German extermination camp KL Buchenwald (Germany) KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Radom, train station, Podjazdowa Street (Beliny-Prażmowskiego Street 2) Odrowąż (Końskie district)
Wanat Leon 14.06.1906, Kraków
TopicPawiak, Szucha, Gęsiówka – Warsaw death blocks
LocationWarsaw, Ghetto, Nowolipki Street 29 Warsaw, Gestapo detention center, aleja Szucha 25 Warsaw, Pawiak prison, Dzielna Street 24/26 Warsaw, Dzielna Street 25 Warsaw, Dzielna Street 27
Rajchman Jechiel (Romanowski Henryk) 06.1914, Łódź
TopicTreblinka – extermination camp
LocationTreblinka, German extermination camp Warsaw, Ghetto German extermination camp of Treblinka Ostrów Lubelski, Ghetto Lubartów, Ghetto Parczew, Ghetto Kamionka, Ghetto
Kakiet Andrzej 14.11.1882
TopicWola '44 – genocide in Warsaw
LocationWarsaw, Karol and Maria Children's Hospital, Leszno Street 136 (Leszno Street 30) Warsaw, Górczewska Street 1 Warsaw, Młynarska Street Pruszków
Adler Stanisław 08.02.1901, Warsaw
TopicWarsaw Ghetto – hell in the center of the city
LocationWarsaw, Ghetto, Umschlagplatz, Stawki Street 2/6 German extermination camp of Majdanek German extermination camp of Treblinka Warsaw, Ghetto Treblinka, German extermination camp Warsaw, ghetto, Umschlagplatz, Stawki Street 2/6 Warsaw, Dynasy Street Warsaw, University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście Street 26/28 Falenty, aleja Hrabska 3 Majdanek, German extermination camp Niemiecki obóz zagłady Majdanek Skarżysko-Kamienna Treblinka, German extermination camp Warsaw, Leszno Street 109/111 Warsaw, Zamenhofa Street
Wasilewska Irena 30.08.1921, Warsaw
TopicWarsaw '44 – the pacification of the Old Town
LocationWarsaw, Długa Street 7 Warsaw, Zamkowy Square
Błotnicka J.
TopicWarsaw '44 – the pacification of the Old Town
LocationWarsaw, Krasiński Square 2/4/6
Orlińska Janina
TopicWarsaw '44 – the pacification of the Old Town
LocationWarsaw, Raczyńskich Palace, Długa Street 7 Warsaw, Seminary Church, Krakowskie Przedmieście Street 52/54
Jakubowski Romuald 07.12.1921, Warsaw
TopicOchota '44 – genocide in Warsaw
LocationWarsaw, Langiewicza Street/ Prokuratorska Street Warsaw, Sucha Street (Krzywickiego Street) Warsaw, Filtrowa Street Warsaw, aleja Niepodległości Warsaw, Wawelska Street Warsaw, Langiewicza Street 11/13 Warsaw, Langiewicza Street 11 Warsaw, Langiewicza Street 13
Matuszczak Maria
TopicWarsaw '44 – the pacification of Śródmieście
LocationWarsaw, Child Jesus Hospital, Lindleya Street 4 Warsaw, Starynkiewicza Square
Rusinowicz Anna 23.05.1924, Siedlce
TopicWarsaw '44 – the pacification of the Old Town
LocationWarsaw, Długa Street 7 Warsaw, Długa Street 23
Sułkowski Jan 06.06.1921
TopicTreblinka – extermination camp
LocationTreblinka, German extermination camp German extermination camp of Treblinka
Łaziuk Kazimierz 1908?
TopicThe Gulag Archipelago – Komi Republic
LocationWołkowysk (now in Belarus) Wołkowysk (Belarus) Białystok, prison, Szosa Południowa (Kopernika Street 21) Załucze (Ukraine) Brześć (now in Belarus), prison, Zygmuntowska Street (Marx Street 86-88) Zaręby-Kościelne, Monastery of the Reformed Fathers, Farna Street 18/19 Kotlas (Russia, Arkhangelsk Oblast) Buzuluk (Russia, Orenburg Oblast) Totskoye (Russia, Orenburg Oblast) Aykino (Russia, Komi Republic)
Jakubowicz Mojsze 15.05.1922, Poddębice (łódzkie voivodeship)
TopicDispersed terror – the KL Auschwitz branch in Gliwice
LocationKL Gross-Rosen Arbeitslager Gleiwitz IV (subcamp of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau) KL Buchenwald (Germany) KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau) KL Buchenwald (Germany) KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), gas chambers and crematoriums II, III, IV, V KL Blechhammer Łódź, ghetto KL Gross-Rosen
Witek Piotr 1899.01.16
TopicThe Gulag Archipelago – Komi Republic
Date1939.09.21 - 1941.09.23
LocationLida (now in Belarus) Lida (now in Belarus), "Kamionka" prison, Leninskaya Street 29 Minsk (Belarus), NKVD remand center "Amerykanka", Hradsky Val Street 4 Ukhta (Russia, Komi Republic) Abez (Russia, Komi Republic) Totskoye (Russia, Orenburg Oblast)
Szulc C.
TopicMass extermination – KL Stutthof
LocationKL Stutthof