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Grabczyński Jan 21.05.1908, Tarnów (dolnośląskie voivodeship)
TopicDeadly medicine – Auschwitz-Birkenau
LocationKL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 10
Drzymała Teodor 02.11.1912, Opole
TopicTo freedom – escapes from Auschwitz-Birkenau
LocationBorowa Wieś (Mikołów) KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 10
Wilk Stefan 17.12.1913, Łowicz
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German factory of death
LocationKL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz I KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) KL Auschwitz I, Block 11 and Death Wall
Kaszyński Jan 19.11.1920, Warsaw
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German death factory
LocationKL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, roll call square KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bauhof Warsaw
Taul Roman 28.02.1917, Bytom
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German factory of death
LocationKL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 11 and Death Wall KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz I, gas chamber and crematorium I German extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau
Woźniak Zofia 1923?
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German factory of death
LocationKL Auschwitz I KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau)
Zuiden van Henrietta 21.08.1906
TopicDeadly medicine – Auschwitz-Birkenau
LocationKL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 10
Walczak Władysław 1902.02.18, Częstochowa
TopicSoviet prisoners at Auschwitz-Birkenau
LocationKL Auschwitz-Birkenau KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg)
Weizblum Chaja 10.05.1909, Opatów
TopicDeadly medicine – Auschwitz-Birkenau
LocationKL Auschwitz I KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) KL Auschwitz I, Block 10
Sosnowski Józef 24.01.1905, Myszków
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German death factory
LocationKraków KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau) KL Auschwitz I, Block 11 and Death Wall KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bauhof Kraków
Maliszewski Stefan 23.05.1912, Warsaw
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German death factory
LocationKL Auschwitz II (Birkenau) KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz I, Block 11 and Death Wall KL Auschwitz I, gas chamber and crematorium I Auschwitz-Birkenau, German extermination camp German extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bauhof
Bronfeld Bolesław 03.11.1913, Lublin
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau - extermination camp
LocationKL Auschwitz I German extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau KL Auschwitz I, Block 11 and Death Wall KL Auschwitz I, roll call square KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), "Canada" KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau) KL Auschwitz I, Block 10
Piątkowska Antonina 24.12.1900, Warsaw
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German factory of death
LocationKL Auschwitz I Budy, agricultural labor camp (subcamp of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau) KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 Brzeszcze Brzeszcze
Reyman Jan 21.10.1902, Kraków
TopicDeadly medicine – Auschwitz-Birkenau
LocationRajsko, Waffen-SS and Police Institute of Hygiene (subcamp of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau) KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 10
Korecki Stanisław 06.03.1914, Wola Gręboszowska
TopicThe first at Auschwitz – transport from Tarnów
LocationTarnów (małopolskie voivodeship), penal institution, Konarskiego Street 2 KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz I, roll call square
Frankowski Stanisław 04.01.1911, Drużkowna (Ukraine)
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German factory of death
LocationWarsaw, Praga Warsaw, Uhlan Barracks, Szwoleżerów Street 7a KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, roll call square KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz I, Block 11 and Death Wall German extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau
Cyba Eugeniusz 07.12.1921, Sosnowiec (śląskie voivodeship)
TopicThe first at Auschwitz – transport from Tarnów
LocationKL Ravensbrück (Germany) KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, Ramp II KL Auschwitz I, gas chamber and crematorium I KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), gas chambers and crematoriums II, III, IV, V Tarnów (małopolskie voivodeship) KL Auschwitz I, roll call square
Lewin Jakub 13.04.1903, Warsaw
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German death factory
LocationKL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) Paris (France) KL Auschwitz I Compiègne (France), transit camp KL Auschwitz I, Block 10
Iczkovitz Estera 16.01.1905
TopicDeadly medicine – Auschwitz-Birkenau
LocationKL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) Mechelen (Belgium), transit camp Berlin (Germany) KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 10
Krzywicki Janusz 15.09.1907, Warsaw