Jadwiga Biskupska
Class 6
Public Elementary School in Dąbrowa near Kielce
12 October 1946

My memories of German crimes

On 1 September 1939, it was a Friday, there was the first German air raid on Kielce. In the neighboring village of Masłów, 3 kilometers away, the Germans bombed the airfield. There were also air raids on Saturday and Sunday. In addition, the Germans let off saboteurs. Already on Sunday there were casualties. Two people and a cow were killed in nearby Masłów. On Monday the highway was packed with people and cars, all heading towards Warsaw. We saw the first German on Wednesday morning. Part of our village burned down on Wednesday, when the Germans came in. They started with a search. They shot two men in Dąbrowa. During the occupation in our village, the Germans shot Scout Mikołajczyk, they took away the school manager called German. In August 1944, we got up in the morning and our village was encircled by the Germans. They searched every hut. They captured men and the youth. They took people – not from our village, but from the neighboring ones: from Łączna and from Kielce – to a forest maybe a kilometer away from the village, and shot them. It was only in 1945 that we were liberated.