Warsaw, 29 January 1948. Judge Halina Wereńko, a member of the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Stefania Michalina Jackiewicz, née Kucharska
Names of parents Michał and Helena
Date of birth 22 September 1901
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Place of residence Warsaw, Senatorska Street 42, flat 4
Education two grades at elementary school
State affiliation and nationality Polish
Occupation housewife

When the Warsaw Uprising broke out, I was at the Maltański Hospital at Senatorska Street 40, where I was an employee. The hospital was in an area that had initially been occupied by German units. The main building was situated at Senatorska Street 40, while the nurses lived at number 36.

During the first days of the Uprising the hospital’s medical teams brought in the wounded, both Poles and Germans, from the vicinity. Around noon on 7 August 1944 the Maltański Hospital was captured by a German unit that had advanced from the direction of the Saski Garden. The German soldiers proceeded to shoot Brother Berłożecki, some man who had a bottle of vodka on him, and one other man who was wearing a pair of German military trousers (I do not know their surnames). They also displaced the civilians from the neighboring buildings. They set fire to the houses at Senatorska Street 36 and 38, to thehouse at the corner of Rymarska Street, and to some others. A group of civilian population, my husband among them, was marched to St. Adalbert’s Church at Wolska Street. Having stayed for two days in the vicinity of the hospital, the German unit collected its wounded, issued an appropriate receipt and left.

Before noon on 14 August a unit of German soldiers speaking Ukrainian, but commanded by a German, arrived at the hospital premises. We were not allowed to eat dinner, but instead ordered to leave the hospital. We were gathered in the square in front of the building. Thegravely wounded people were carried out of the hospital on beds and stretchers. We were not allowed to take anything, and a guard post was set up at the hospital. Those gathered in the square were formed into a column. A German officer then walked up with a few “Ukrainians,” asking where the “bandits” were. They took two of the wounded people on stretchers, carried them to the figure of St. John in Bankowy Square and executed them. I do not know the surnames of the wounded, but I do know that they were insurgents. Next, our group was ordered to march towards the Saski Garden.

The group of severely wounded people remained in front of the hospital (I am unable to give an idea of the number) together with Dr Dreyza and a few people from the medical and sanitary personnel. The “Ukrainians” led our group to the gate of the Saski Garden at Przechodnia Street and left us there. From there, walking in accordance with directions given by insurgents from Królewska Street, we proceeded to Kredytowa Street, and from there to Zgoda Street 8 and 11, where we were allocated quarters.

At this point the report was concluded and read out.