Henryka Maniowiec
Class 5b
Wisznice, Włodawa district
23 June 1946

My wartime experiences

In 1944, the Germans were killing Jews. They deported them to various countries. On the way they shot those who couldn’t walk. Not far from our [house] a Jew is [buried]. My grandfather helped bury him. A Jewish woman was killed near our field.

A lot of Jews fled to the forest. Many were killed there. When I went berry picking with my friends, one friend showed us the heads and legs of Jews that had been dragged away by dogs. She showed us the hideouts. After that I was afraid to be home alone [and] go to the forest.

The Jews were shot near Gierczyński’s place. In Horyce, some Jews were brought in a car, stripped naked and killed. Later people from Dubica were called to bury them.

The rest of the Jews were put behind the wires, starved and killed. People took duvets, pots, and various other Jewish things. After seeing those murdered Jews, I couldn’t eat until I forgot [that sight].