Kielce, 9 February 1948, 8:00 AM. I, Jan Zielono from the Criminal Investigation Section of the Citizens’ Militia station in Kielce, maintaining the formalities listed in art. 135, 140, 258 and 259 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, with the participation of reporter Stanisław Gałka, whom I informed of his obligation to attest to the conformity of the report with the actual course of the procedure by his own signature, have heard the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Eugenia Fabian
Parents’ names Franciszek and Dorota
Age 36 years old
Place of birth Złota, Pińczów district
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation pensioner
Place of residence Partyzantów Square 11, Kielce

Regarding the present case, I am aware of the following facts. My husband, Mieczysław Fabian, was arrested on 24 June 1944, and taken away from the apartment. During the arrest he was accused of possessing weapons and belonging to an underground organization. After the arrest, my husband was taken to the prison in Kielce. He was beaten so much, that when I received his underwear, it was covered with blood. I do not know neither the names of the perpetrators who arrested my husband, [nor] their rank or address, but I know he was arrested by Gestapo. On 5 July 1944, my husband was shot dead; I found out about it from hanging posters, but I do not know the place of the execution and I have not found his corpse until today.