On 20 May 1946 in Warsaw, Deputy Prosecutor Zofia Rudziewicz interviewed the person specified below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Władysław Szenajch
Date of birth 13 May 1879
Names of parents Edward and Emilia
Place of residence Warsaw, Koszykowa Street 37
Place of birth Warsaw
Religious affiliation Protestant of the Augsburg Confession
Occupation doctor of medicine, professor of the University of Warsaw
Relationship to the parties none
Criminal record none
Education Medical Faculty of the University of Warsaw

Before the war, I was a University of Warsaw professor and the director of Karol and Maria Children’s Hospital [Szpital dziecięcy im. Karola i Marii] in Warsaw at Leszno Street 137.

After the German invasion, I kept the position of hospital director, but I stopped teaching at the university, since it was closed. The Germans did not close the hospitals; they were subordinated to the Department of Hospitals of the Board of the City of Warsaw; this was the direct administration, while supervision was in the hands of a German doctor having the title of Amtsarzt. He had his office next to the German city captain, and reported directly to the Health Board of the Warsaw district, in the Brühl Palace [pałac Brühla]; the Amtsarzt managed the affairs of the hospital system and social hygiene in Warsaw. The Polish managers of relevant departments in the municipal board – Doctor Łęski (department of social hygiene) and Doctor Orzechowski (department of hospitals) – received instructions from him and provided reports to him on their operations. Polish county doctors had their offices in the provincial areas and they were subordinated to German county doctors. The first German doctor to hold the office of the Amtsarzt in Warsaw was Schrempf .

After they entered, the Germans did not damage the hospital of which I was the director, they only limited the number of employed doctors; they removed the doctors employed in the hospital outpatient’s clinic, ordering that outpatients were to be attended to by ward doctors. These orders adversely affected the quality of work in the hospital.

Schrempf also issued regulations that were in breach of the fundamental principles of medical ethics:

1. He ordered the creation of separate rooms for Volksduetschen with a separate staff

dedicated to them. This is in breach of medical ethics, since there is a principle of equal treatment of all patients.

2. He prohibited admitting and treating Jewish patients, either in the outpatient clinic or in the hospital wards. This regulation was issued even before the ghetto was introduced. In December 1939 (I don’t remember the exact date) he ordered that the Jewish patients already admitted were to be transferred to the Jewish hospital. In this way, he created a ghetto for Jewish patients before the ghetto for the entire population was established.

3. Different food rations for German and non-German patients were introduced, which is also inconsistent with the principle of equal treatment of patients imposed by medical ethics. With respect to food, I submit a brochure issued by the German authorities titled

Richtlinien für die Kranken Ernährung im Generalgouvernement by Joseph Ruppert MD, which explains the differences in food rations depending on nationality.

In January 1940 Schrempf removed me from the position of director of the hospital, without providing any justification, and, as far as I know, without having notified Doctor Konrad Orzechowski, the head of the department of hospitals. I was not granted the right to receive a pension.

Doctor Łącki (residing in Bagatela Street 10) and Doctor Pacho (at the same address) can tell more about the work of the doctors in the Warsaw district.

I wish to add the following: My hospital colleagues told me that after the uprising, during the time when Warsaw was closed, the Germans had evacuated the entire equipment of the X-ray room from Karol and Maria Hospital. The losses suffered by the hospitality in connection with the uprising in Warsaw have been described by Doctor Rutkiewicz in a paper published in “W Służbie Zdrowia” [“In Health Service”]. I submit relevant copies of the periodical to the files of the case.