On 27 June 1946 in Warsaw, Deputy Prosecutor Zofia Rudziewicz interviewed the person specified below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Szymon Nowosadzki
Date of birth 26 October 1899
Names of parents Walenty and Antonina
Place of residence Warsaw, Berezyńska Street 17, flat 1
Place of birth Płonka, Krasnystaw county
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation head of a cooperative department
Criminal record none
Education Warsaw School of Life Sciences [Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego]

During the war I was the head of a department in the Dairy Cooperative of the Revision Cooperatives’ Association [Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Związku Rewizyjnego Spółdzielni] in Warsaw. The Germans collected the quotas of milk and eggs in the Warsaw district via field dairy cooperatives. As a manager, I am familiar with how they operated. The quotas were determined by the German government in Cracow, and it was up to the district authorities how they wanted to collect them. In the Warsaw district the collection of quotas was observed very strictly. The department of nutrition and agriculture in the district was responsible for this.

The milk quotas were three liters of milk a day from each cow. County governor offices prepared lists of cows, and then dairy cooperatives were forced to present lists of deliveries by name which indicated how much milk was delivered by a particular farmer. In total, around fifty million liters of milk were collected a year. A farmer would get seven grosz for a liter of one-per-cent-fat milk and five grosz for a liter of skim milk. Apart from that, bonuses were granted: for one hundred liters of milk a farmer was given fifty cigarettes and ten dekagrams of butter, or for fifty liters of milk a quarter liter of vodka. Farmers who delivered one hundred per cent of the assigned quotas received a bonus in the form of five liters of vodka per each cow. If a farmer bred calves, he would receive three hundred liters of milk and five liters of vodka. Awards in the form of vodka were highly immoral, as they encouraged the population to drink. The Germans were awarding such bonuses on purpose, wanting to demoralize Poles. Tellingly, bonuses in the form of vodka did not exist in the Reich. Bonuses were set by the district authorities and were different in each district, both with respect to their quantity and their quality.

Dairy cooperatives produced butter from the confiscated milk, which they were obliged to deliver to Warsaw, to the warehouses of the Landwirtschaftliche Zentrale (the so-called [Glezt?]). This institution supplied butter only for the needs of the German population. Poles did not receive any butter at all. Thus, milk from the quotas was provided only to theGerman population, civilian as well as army. A small fraction was delivered to Polish social welfare centers. It should be noted that butter was used not only for the needs of the Germans staying in the district, but was also exported to Germany. During the occupation, around two million kilograms of melted butter were exported from [Glezt?] to Germany. It is therefore not true that the Germans were forced to bring food from the Reich to feed the Polish population.

Penalties for non-delivery of the quotas or for delivery of leaner milk were very severe. They were determined by the district authorities and imposed by particular county governors. In Siedlce and in other counties, cows were confiscated from those resisting and transferred to land estates, which aggravated the hatred between the peasants and the landlords. In Otwock, farmers were ordered to bring cows to creameries in order to have the cows milked and the milk tested for fat content and the quantity of milk. The costs of brining the cows to creameries were borne by the owners. In Kołbiel, several farmers were arrested for non-delivery of milk. In Sokołów county, if I remember correctly, the county governor had a branch office of a dairy cooperative burnt down for poor performance in the field of delivery. In Garwolin, a contribution was imposed on farmers for the building of the creamery that had been burnt down by unknown perpetrators. Over half a million zlotys were collected as this contribution. This happened in 1943.

The production of eggs was equal to around one hundred and twenty million eggs a year, of which in 1944 [Glezt?], acting through dairy and agricultural-trade cooperatives, confiscated around fifty million eggs. Half of that number was exported to Germany, the other half was used for the needs of Germans in the district. The Polish population generally did not get any eggs. There were cases where tickets were issued for two to three eggs per person a month, but only during the periods when eggs would spoil quickly.

Independently from the Polish cooperatives, the collection of quotas was handled by a few German trade enterprises. These companies took away around fifty million eggs a year. The eggs were exported to Germany. Thus, the Germans used up the majority of the production in the district.

For delivery of the eggs required under the quotas, a farmer would get twenty grosz per egg; moreover, for one kilogram of eggs he would get half a kilogram of sugar, for each one hundred eggs ten cigarettes, or for a kilogram of eggs a quarter liter of vodka or half a kilogram of sugar.

When the front line was approaching from the direction of the Vistula River, upon the order of the district authorities, the Germans evacuated machines from five creameries. Then the army blew up six creameries. This caused losses in the amount of one million five hundred thousand zlotys, as calculated on the base of the prices from 1939.

Fischer, as the head of the administrative authorities, is responsible for the destruction of the creameries.