Wrocław, 27 November 1947

Jan Majek
Auschwitz prisoner no. 37787

Konfekcja i Galanteria „STYL”
MAJEK i S-ka
[...], Wrocław
Telephone No.: [...]

Auschwitz Law Prosecutor’s Office

The Supreme National Tribunal
in Kraków

With regard to the ongoing trial of Auschwitz criminals, I would like to make the following statement, if necessary, under oath.

In 1942, following a three-month stay in Auschwitz, I was summoned as prisoner no. 37787 to the Political Department. I was interrogated from 8.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. During the interrogation, I lost consciousness three times due to the beating. When I fainted for the third time, I was thrown into the loo, where I regained consciousness after some time. During the interrogation, they tried to force me to reveal where printing machines, which had been used for printing leaflets, had been hidden in Starachowice.

In February 1943, I worked in the crematorium in Rajsko for two weeks. In March 1943, I was transferred to Buchenwald.

I do not provide details from my experience in the camp, because it is not the right place for that, but I submit my statement in outline to be used in the trial.