Wałbrzych, 26 November 1947
Lola Siebzehner
To the Supreme [National] Tribunal, Kraków (concerning defendant Orlowski)
I, the undersigned, am a former prisoner of Płaszów and Auschwitz. Having heard on the radio that defendant Orlowski pleads not guilty, I declare the following:
1. In 1944, we were transferred from the Borzysław Arbeitslager [labor camp] to Płaszów. The cruelest person there was Orlowski, whom we called “Chłopczyca” [the Tomboy]. She would beat us not only with her hand, but also with a whip, which always left marks on our bodies.
2. In August 1944, I worked in the so-called Außenkommando [external work detail] in Borek Fałęcki at the L-A-H outpost. We – eight women and eight men – would leave the camp every day and try to sneak something out of the camp in order to sell it and get money for some food. One of the women seemed too fat to Orlowski, so she stopped the whole column and ordered all the women to strip naked. She searched us by herself, and I was her greatest victim, because I was wrapped in a huge duvet cover, which I was not able to take off without her noticing. She beat me on the head so terribly, pulling out whole strands of hair, so that to this day I still have problems in my left ear. It was her specialty – beating on the head and pulling women’s hair out. She was the terror of the whole camp.
Orlowski beat one of the women from our city so hard that she lost her senses. A few days afterwards, there was a transport to Auschwitz, and that woman must have been burnt or gassed, because she disappeared together with her children.