On 10 October 1947 in Tarnów, Investigating Judge from the District Court in Tarnów, Dr. J. Piec, with the participation of a reporter, A. Kucharczyk, heard the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the provisions of Article 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Józef Jagiełło
Age 47 years old
Parents’ names Bartłomiej and Rozalia
Place of residence Tarnów, Kościuszki Street 38
Occupation employee of the Polish State Railways
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none

From among the former members of the SS crew in Auschwitz enumerated in the list which I have been shown, I know Hans Aumeier, who was Lagerführer [camp leader], Kurt Hugo Müller, who was first Blokführer [block leader], and later Arbeitführer [work manager], and Max Grabner, who headed the Political Department; I knew them both by name and by sight.

Hans Aumeier was the terror of the camp, he beat and kicked the prisoners for no reason at all. He did it whenever he came across a prisoner. Since I was in the camp from the middle of June 1942 to 20 October 1944, I often witnessed him beat and kick the prisoners.

As for Max Grabner, in the camp he had the reputation of the worst man because he passed sentences and many prisoners who went for an interrogation to his office never came back. I myself didn’t witness him torment any prisoners.

As for Kurt Hugo Müller, under whose supervision I repaired sewage lines, I don’t have any complaints, especially since I didn’t see him beat prisoners, and I generally didn’t hear about any criminal acts of his against other prisoners.

The report was read out and signed.