On 12 September 1947 in Warsaw, a Member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, Appellate Investigating Judge Jan Sehn, acting pursuant to a written motion submitted by the First Prosecutor of the Supreme National Tribunal, dated 25 April 1947 (file no. NTN 719/47), interviewed as a witness – this in accordance with the provisions of and procedure provided for under the Decree of 10 November 1945 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 51, item 293), in connection with Articles 254, 107 and 115 of the Code of Criminal Procedure – the former prisoner of Auschwitz concentration camp mentioned hereunder, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Michał Izbicki
Age 28 years old
Religion Jewish
Citizenship and nationality Polish
Occupation an employee of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Place of residence Warsaw, [...]

I was transferred to Auschwitz in an evacuation transport from the camp in Majdanek on 6 April 1944. I remained incarcerated there until the end of December 1944, whereas throughout my period of imprisonment in these camps I pretended to be an Aryan. After a few weeks of quarantine, I was placed in the labor camp, that is in section D in Birkenau. While in the camp, I encountered an SS man by the surname of Lorenz. Today, having viewed the photographs that are on public display, I recognized him without any difficulty or doubt. He was very harsh and distinguished himself with his brutality – even when compared to the other SS men. When the labor squads returned from work, he would conduct very thorough and bothersome searches at the gate, and if he found anything on a prisoner – usually food – he would beat that person. I once witnessed how Lorenz stopped a marching squad and conducted a search, soon determining that one of the inmates had a partially eaten bread roll, while another was hiding a piece of sausage. He detained both and thereafter beat them very severely. He bashed them until they bled, and when they collapsed, he started kicking them. I also remember how Lorenz beat up a friend of mine, Jerzy Klusiewicz from Warsaw (he is now deceased). Klusiewicz was walking with me and failed to remove his cap when Lorenz approached. For this infringement Lorenz punished Klusiewicz with half an hour of “sports”, ordering him to perform exercises while issuing the commands “down!” and “up!”, even though Klusiewicz had an artificial left limb right up to his hip, and was therefore a cripple, which could easily be ascertained just by looking at him. Klusiewicz lost his leg during the September Campaign of 1939, while defending Warsaw. When Klusiewicz grew weak and could not continue the exercises, Lorenz kicked and beat him until he bled. Lorenz took part in all the hangings conducted at the camp, and also participated in the tormenting of prisoners at the penal company block at section D in Birkenau.

The report was read out. At this point the examination and report were brought to a close.