On 28 August 1947 in Kraków, a member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, Municipal Judge Dr. Stanisław Żmuda, acting upon written request of the first prosecutor of the Supreme National Tribunal, this dated 25 April 1947 (file no. NTN 719/47), and in accordance with the provisions of and procedure provided for under the Decree of 10 November 1945 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 51, item 293) in connection with Article 254, 107 and 115 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, interviewed the former inmate of the Auschwitz concentration camp, named below, as a witness, who testified as follows:
Name and surname | Mieczysław Pemper |
Date and place of birth | 24 March 1920 in Kraków |
Parents’ names | Jakub and Regina, née Weissenberg |
Occupation | student at Jagiellonian University |
Religious affiliation | Jewish |
Citizenship | Polish |
Place of residence | Kraków, [...] |
From 13 March 1943 to 15 October 1944 I was incarcerated in the concentration camp in Płaszów. From 18 March 1943 to 13 September 1944 I was employed as a typist and an office worker in the German camp command. Due to the type of work I performed in the camp and my own experience, I had the opportunity to familiarize myself with conditions in the camp and to learn about the activities of the German camp authorities, especially since I had access to various documents and camp files.
I met Alice Orlowski during my stay in the Płaszów camp where she was an overseer (SS-Aufseherin). She came to the Płaszów camp from the camp in Lublin-Majdanek in the spring of 1944 in the group of several overseers. Since 10 January 1944, the Płaszów camp was a concentration camp. I also recognize Orlowski beyond any doubt in the photograph presented to me and appended to the case files.
Orlowski was tall and had fair blond hair, and as all the overseers she wore a simple uniform which resembled, both in cut and color, the uniforms of women employed in the German liaison office. Queried, I would like to state that Orlowski enjoyed exactly the same scope of rights with regard to the prisoners as all the other overseers. Especially the fact that Orlowski’s husband was of Russian descent, and, as a result, she had some difficulties with the recognition of her German citizenship. Yet, this had no bearing whatsoever on the rights she enjoyed with regard to the prisoners.
I happened to see Orlowski’s personal file the camp, and this is why I know that she was a German born in the vicinity of Berlin who married a Russian refugee. I would like to explain that, as far as I know, SS overseers (SS-Aufseherinnen) formed an auxiliary unit which was to serve in concentration camps for women and which was subordinated to the administrative center of all camps in Oranienburg. The contracts of employment were signed with the SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt Berlin-Oranienburg [SS Main Economic and Administrative Office].
I know from prisoners in Płaszów that Orlowski was a very active overseer, that she used to beat prisoners – especially during all assemblies and roll calls, but I didn’t witness any of this. I also know that in the Płaszów camp, Orlowski was in charge of the laundry for a longer period of time.
At the same time, Luise Danz was also an overseer in Płaszów; I knew her by sight and by name, but I don’t know any details pertaining to her activities, and all I know is that for some time she served in one of the Płaszów subcamps.
At this point the interview and the report were concluded, and the report was read out and signed.