On 6 June 1947 in Kraków, Appellate Investigating Judge Jan Sehn, a member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, on the written motion of the first prosecutor of the Supreme National Tribunal, dated 25 April 1947 (file no. NTN 719/47), interviewed as a witness, in accordance with the provisions of and procedure provided for under the Decree of 10 November 1945 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 51, item 293), in relation to art. 254, 107, and 115 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the person specified below, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Edyta Rozmaryn
Age 34
Religious affiliation Jewish
Citizenship and nationality Polish
Occupation milliner
Place of residence Kraków, [...]

During the occupation, I was first interned at the camp operating at the Płaszów wire factory, then at the Birkenau, Auschwitz and Ravensbrück concentration camps, and most recently, from February to March 1945, at Malchow, a subcamp of the Ravensbrück camp, from where I was transported to Leipzig.

From my time at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, I do not recall any of the SS women on the crew. As regards my time at the Malchow concentration camp, I clearly remember both the name and the face of senior overseer (Oberaufseherin) Luise Danz. She is the one whose photograph has been now shown to me (a photograph of suspect Luise Danz was shown).

During my time in Malchow, I was sick and was at the hospital most of the time. Both myself and my fellow prisoners dreaded Danz. She inspired terror in us, since she was very harsh toward the prisoners. During my time in Malchow, the camp was overcrowded because it took in evacuation transports from the East. At the end of March 1945, a large transport of Malchow female prisoners was sent to Leipzig. I, too, ended up on this transport. When we were standing in the column, in rows of five, ready to march out, supervisor Danz came up to Rysia, a fellow prisoner of mine (she was a Polish Jew, I do not remember her name), who was part of the row formed directly behind me, removed a water bottle from Rysia’s haversack, and hit her head with it so hard that the bottle smashed into pieces, and Rysia, bleeding, crumpled to the ground. We wanted to assist Rysia, but Danz would not let us help her up, and as she lay on the ground, Danz kicked her, shouting, “ Los, weiter!” [Carry on!]. The column departed and we dragged Rysia with us.

At the station, we were loaded into open cattle cars. For the 48-hour journey to Leipzig we were issued no food, nor did we get a single drop of water on our way there.

The report was read out. At that the procedure and the report were concluded.