On 17 September 1947 in Kraków, acting judge, trainee judge Franciszek Wesely, delegated to the Kraków District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, acting at the written request of the first prosecutor of the Supreme National Tribunal, this dated 25 April 1947 (file no. NTN 719/47), in accordance with the provisions of and procedure provided for under the Decree of 10 November 1945 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 51, item 293), in connection with articles 254, 107 and 115 of the Code of Criminal Proceudre, heard the person named below as a witness, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Jerzy Tabeau
Date and place of birth 8 December 1918 in Zabłotów
Parents’ names Karol and Eugenia, née Matukiewicz
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Education medical school graduate
Place of residence Kraków,Lelewela Street 17, III floor
Unrestricted testimony

On 27 March 27 1942 I was taken from the prison on Montelupich Street in Kraków to Auschwitz I concentration camp as a political prisoner and I received camp number 27 273. I would like to mention that I used to go under the pseudonym of Wesołowski. Initially, I was employed in various Aussenkommandos for two months, then as Pfleger [nurse] in the hospital in block 28, and for several months in block 19. I was in Auschwitz I until April 1943, after which I was transferred to the gypsy camp in Birkenau. During my stay in Auschwitz I, the German doctor was Entresst, and for a short time Dr. Thilo. Among the SDG [Sanitätsdienstgrade, SS medical orderlies] I only remember Klehr by name because he was there the longest. I don’t know nor have heard about the defendants Dr. Johann Paul Kramer and Dr. Hans Wilhelm Münch and Kremer. Maybe the defendant Kremer is known to the former prisoner at the Auschwitz concentration camp Dr Rudolf Diem, deputy director of the Social Security Office in Warsaw, or former prisoner N. Szewczyk, now residing in Kraków (I don’t know the precise address), who worked in the SS-hospital. News about Kremer could also be provided by former prisoner Witold Kosztowny, presently in Gdańsk, or in Gdynia, who worked in the laboratory, and then was a link between the laboratory and the SS-hospital. Working as Pfleger, I was able to observe the selection process. The selections were either general for the whole camp, which was officially called a delousing action, or were held in the hospitals. General selections were relatively rare, in which case the prisoners didn’t go out to work, but only gathered in the roll call square where an SS doctor inspected them block after block. During such selections, the defendant Grabner, whom I recognized on the photograph presented to me, was always present. Selections in the hospitals were performed by a German doctor, in my time mostly Entresst, in periods of every few weeks, and were mostly determined by the length of time spent by a given prisoner in the hospital, regardless of whether the patient had any chance of being cured. If during the selection in the hospital a smaller group was selected for termination, then they would be eliminated by phenol injections administered by Klehr and his deputies, to be precise: prisoners Pańszczyk and “Perełka” [“Little Pearl”] (I don’t know his name). If more prisoners were to be terminated, then they were transported to block 19 or to a larger room in each block of the hospital, and from there they were taken by car to be gassed. Immediately after transferring me to the gypsy camp in April 1943, the Rapportführer was the defendant Ludwik Plagge, whom I recognize in the photograph shown to me (the witness was shown a photography of Plagge). He was the terror of the gypsy camp. He mercilessly beat the prisoners, and in particular those employed in the hospital. Personally, Plagge gave me a penalty of 25 lashes for the fact that while I was a Schreiber [writer, scribe] in the hospital block, there was a discrepancy in the number of the prisoners, because one gypsy child hid in the block before the roll call. I was in the gypsy camp until 19 November 1943, because on that day I escaped from the camp with another companion, and therefore I cannot say whether the selections were different when Liebehenschel served as camp commandant than under Höss’s rule. However, the former prisoners who served as Pflegers in the gypsy camp may be able to provide answers: Bolesław Bartosiński and Tadeusz Kwaśnicki, both currently residing in Kraków.

The report was thus concluded and signed after it was read out.