On 12 September 1947 in Warsaw, a member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, Appellate Investigative Judge Jan Sehn, acting upon written request of the first prosecutor of the Supreme National Tribunal, this dated 25 April 1947 (file no. NTN 719/47), and in accordance with the provisions of and procedure provided for under the Decree of 10 November 1945 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 51, item 293), in connection with Article 254, 107 and 115 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, interviewed the inmate of the Auschwitz concentration camp named below as a witness, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Lucjan Włodarczyk
Age 37 years old
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Citizenship and nationality Polish
Occupation machine technician
Place of residence Warsaw, [...]

My detention in the concentration camp in Auschwitz lasted from August 1940 to 6 July 1944. I was deported to the camp in the first Warsaw transport. My prison number was 2748. Until November 1941 I was detained in the parent camp from where I was transferred to Harmęże where I stayed until June 1944. During my detention in the parent camp, I worked, among other places, in the basket workshop. There were from 20 to 35 prisoners working there. The basket workshop was situated in the area set aside for workshops opposite Holzhof [timber yard], near the stable. The workshop was often visited by SS-Unterscharführer Müller whom we knew by name, which is Kurt. I had no difficulty in recognizing him in the photographs displayed to the public. Although he held no formal position in the workshop, he would stop by, set his dog on us and organize “sports”. We were made to roll about and jump. Pushing us around, he set his dog on us. He often selected a few of us, led us away to the nearby tannery, which was at that time situated close to the basket workshop, and beat us there. He beat my colleague Józef Struciński from Łomianki near Warsaw, who still has one of his hands stiff because Müller beat him with a stick and because he was bitten by a dog Müller had set on him.

From among the defendants I remember Fritz Buntrock. As he was approaching, we used to say, “Hund is coming”. We did this because this was the nickname he used to refer to all prisoners. He would hang around the stable and the horse breaking-ground and beat prisoners for no reason at all.

The report was read out. At this the report was concluded.