On 30 October 1947 in Radom, the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Radom, in the person of Deputy Prosecutor T. Skulimowski, heard the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the provisions of Article 106 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Józef Krzesiński
Age 49 years old
Parents’ names Jan and Aniela, née Leśniewska
Place of residence village of Kończyce, Kowala commune, Radom district
Occupation railway watchman
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

I know that during the occupation the Germans carried out numerous executions in the Kosów Forest.

I didn’t witness these executions, as each time the Germans forbade us from entering the forest. I only know that the Germans brought the victims in trucks and executed them, as I heard shots and the screams of the murdered people.

Twice – on orders from the Germans – I took part in burying the victims. The first time, in September 1943, I saw the bodies of three executed men, aged between 20 and 22 years. I didn’t recognize any of them; I didn’t know them. They had gunshot wounds to the heads. In March 1944 I saw the bodies of six executed men whom I didn’t know. This time the Germans ordered me to go home, and they buried the corpses themselves. I saw that not only men were brought for these executions, but also women and even children aged between 10 and 12 years.

On 12 April 1944 the Germans arrested my son Antoni (26 years old), and my son-in-law Bronisław Ziętek (29 years old), on charges of belonging to the partisan movement, and immediately afterwards killed them in the Kosów Forest. At the same time and on the same charges, they killed also Stanisław Joskiewicz from Kończyce, and in July 1944 they murdered Jan Piątek, who was also accused of partisan activities. [Illegible] victims were buried at the execution site. I heard people say that in 1944, the Germans burned or else transported away all the corpses.

The report was read out.