
Name and surname Janina Baranowska
Parents’ names Jan and Marianna née Sąpor
Age 30 years old
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation farmer
Criminal record allegedly none
Place of residence Ryczywół, Świerże Górne commune

On 8 May 1942, Antoni Jedliński came with the German army to Ryczywół; the very same Jedliński who worked for a Bauer [rich German farmer] in Świerże Górne and took my husband away for not coming to work at the Bauer ’s. At that time, my husband had to go to Warsaw to his sick mother. Jedliński accused my husband of bringing food to partisans and of cooperating with them. On the aforementioned date, my husband was arrested and transported to the German gendarmerie in Brzóza, where he was most probably brutally murdered. After a while, I received a notice from the German gendarmerie in Brzóza that my husband was dead.

I confirm the contents of the above testimony with my signature.