On 10 December 1945, in Radom, Kazimierz Borys, Investigating Judge from the Second District of the District Court in Radom, based in Radom, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Maria Wojdacka
Age 60 years old
Names of parents Michał and Joanna
Place of residence Radom, Mickiewicza Street 7
Occupation widow of a railway engineer
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

My son, Jerzy Wojdacki, born on 12 January 1921, a student at the School of Political Sciences, employed during the war at the Social Insurance Institution, was executed by the Germans on 14 October 1942, on the gallows set up near the Arms Factory in Radom.

I wasn’t at the execution site. I learned about my son having been hanged from my acquaintances. My daughter, Maria Wojdacka, who lives in Radom at Mickiewicza Street 7, was at the execution site and saw my son, and her brother, hanging from the gallows. In the account of my daughter and those who saw the hanging convicts, my son was hanged tenth. In the photograph presented he is tenth from the right. Because his face can’t be seen, I can’t state categorically that the man tenth from the right is actually my son. From his build he looks definitely like my son.

About three weeks before the execution my son left home and never returned. On his way out he said he was going to work. After three days the Insurance Institution sent a call for him to report to work. I understood that he had been detained by the Germans. As a result of my efforts I learned that my son had been put in prison in Radom in the wing for political prisoners. I don’t know why he was arrested.

My friends told me that before he died he uttered more or less the following words:

"I know that I am just about to die, but my blood, innocently shed, will be avenged. You will meet your doom". For these words, a German hit him with the rifle butt.

The report was read out.