On 21 February 1948, in Radom, Attorney Zygmunt Glogier, member of the Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Radom, heard the person named below as a witness without an oath. After being informed about the criminal liability for giving false testimony, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Władysław Morawski
Age 51
Parents’ names Marcja and Aleksander
Place of residence Zborowskiego Street 18, Radom
Occupation junior high school teacher
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

In November 1939, I was arrested by the Gestapo in Radom. I was in prison until 28 February 1940, when I was released. I wasn’t interrogated fully and was dismissed without any reasons given. I heard from those who came to the prison that many people were killed with grenades in the Zwózskie and Kozienice forests.

I know, because I saw them bringing back Grzecznarowski from a Gestapo interrogation. In addition, I also saw a beaten tobacco worker who belonged to the PPS and apparently was beaten in connection with the attacks.

This was my testimony.