On 28 November 1947, in Radom, Attorney Zygmunt Glogier, a member of the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, based in Radom, heard the person named below as a witness without an oath. After being informed about the criminal liability for giving false testimony, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Krystyna Wasilewska
Date of birth 5 February 1921
Parents’ names Waleria and Józef
Place of residence Moniuszki Street 13, Radom
Occupation housewife
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

I knew a red-haired man with an unpleasant face who worked in the Radom Gestapo, because my mother worked for his family as a household helper. He lived at Żeromskiego Street 54, and had a wife and two children. His name was Alwin Schwiecker. His wife had a vegetable store on Żeromskiego Street. My mother, Waleria Roszowska, lived at Moniuszki Street 13, and she can say more about him, because she worked for them for several months. I worked in a German dairy store. That’s why I know some names from the Radom Gestapo. One of them, who, I think, was an officer who lived at Moniuszki Street 13 and spoke good Polish, was called Herbert Gibała. He was always dressed in civilian clothes. I knew Hübner, who came to my boss. I knew a lot of them by sight, because they came to the grocery store, but I can’t name them. If I saw them, maybe I would recognize them. Schwiecker, as far as I know from what my mother told me, was an alcoholic and very often mother had to try to procure vodka for him.

This is my testimony.

The report was read out.