On 2 June 1947, Szaja Borenstein appeared in the office of the police of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in Stuttgart, Western section no. 1002, Reinburgstrasse:

Name and surname Szaja Borenstein
Date of birth 20 May 1920, Radom
Place of residence Reinsburgstrasse I, Stuttgart
Registered as Displaced Person
Card number 05115407

Towards the end of 1942, a census of Jews living in Radom was conducted, during which Jews were ordered to hand over money. When some acquaintance wanted to give my father a thousand zlotys, which my father was to hand over to a Pole for safekeeping, a policeman noticed it and notified the Germans. Next my father was summoned and questioned as to whether this was true. Some time later my father was arrested by the camp police and told that the order had been issued by Böttcher. Eight days later, on 4 November 1943, SS-man Mörder arrived at the ghetto with six "Ukrainians" in order to carry out executions. The chief of Judenrat, Dr Szenderowicz, wanted to talk to Böttcher over the phone and asked him for a pardon, but Böttcher refused. At 3.00 p.m., my father, Ichwicz and Fressfeld were led out by Mörder and shot by the kitchen wall. The Germans used dumdum bullets. Two days later an announcement was issued and we learnt that Mendel Borenstein was executed on Böttcher’s order because he refused to hand over a thousand zlotys when the census was being conducted.

I declare, in lieu of an oath, that the above is true to facts. I am aware of the criminal liability for making false declarations. I am ready to appear before a court as a witness.