Koprzywnica, 15 September 1948, 2.00 p.m. I, Militia Officer Stefan Maj from the Citizens’ Militia Station in Koprzywnica, acting pursuant to Article 20 of the provisions introducing the Code of Criminal Procedure, in accordance with the instructions by the Vice-Prosecutor of the District Court Prosecutor’s Office, issued based on Article 20 of the provisions introducing the Code of Criminal Procedure, following the formal requirements set forward in Articles 235–240, 258 and 259 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, with the participation of reporter Józef Jarosz, who was advised of the obligation to confirm with his signature the consistency of the report with the course of the proceedings, interviewed the person mentioned hereunder as a witness. Having been advised of the right to refuse testimony for the reasons stated in Article 104 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and of the liability for making false declarations pursuant to Article 140 of the Criminal Code, the witness declared as follows:

Name and surname Florian Materkowski
Parents’ names Franciszek and Julianna, née Starzymska
Age 41 years old
Date and place of birth 26 February 1907, Koprzywnica
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation butcher
Place of residence Koprzywnica, Sandomierz District
Relationship to the parties none

As regards the present case, I am aware of the following facts: On 13 March 1943 around 10.00 a.m., the gendarmerie came to Koprzywnica. I saw two German gendarmes and a Polish policeman called Panic entering the apartment of Wincenty Łopatka. They took Łopatka outside to the yard and I heard a shot. After the gendarmes left, I approached Łopatka, but he was lying on the ground already dead. This is everything I know as regards the present case.

At this point, the report was concluded, read out, and signed.