Staszów, 13 July 1947. The District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes with its seat in Radom, Branch Office at the Municipal Court in Staszów, in the person of judge Albin Walkiewicz, a lawyer from Staszów, heard the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Article 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Waleria Łukasik
Age 61 years old
Parents’ names Maciej and Klara
Place of residence Staszów, Krakowska Street 12
Occupation shop owner
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none

In December 1940 my 25-year-old son, Stanisław Łukasik, was walking down the street with Stanisław Warchałowski when they met Moszek Segał and Zbigniew Chmielewski, who were engaged in a lively discussion with some drunken German soldier. In order to avoid meeting them, my son and Warchałowski quickened their pace and took another street to get home. As it turned out later, the argument had escalated into a row between the soldier on the one side and Segał and Chmielewski on the other. The latter two were arrested by a patrol, and my son and Warchałowski were also arrested as alleged witnesses to the event.

All the arrested men were transported to the prison in Radom. I was allowed to visit my son there. He was battered beyond recognition. My son, Warchałowski, Segał and Chmielewski were all deported from Radom to the camp in Auschwitz. In January 1941 I received a message from Auschwitz that my son had died there. Warchałowski and Segał also died in the camp. I don’t know which German unit carried out the arrest and deportation of the above mentioned men. This is all that I know in the matter.