In Słupia Nowa on this day, 23 April 1948, at 10.30 a.m., I, officer Stanisław Tomczyk from the Citizens’ Militia Station in Słupia Nowa, acting on the basis of the following: Article 20 of the provisions introducing the Code of Criminal Procedure, on the instruction of citizen Deputy Prosecutor from the II Region of the Prosecutor’s Office of the District Court in Kielce, this dated 20 March 1948, LŻN 97/47, issued on the basis of Article 20 of the provisions introducing the Code of Criminal Procedure, observing the formal requirements set forward in Articles 235–240, 258 and 259 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, with the participation of reporter Bolesław Parkil, whom I informed of his obligation to attest to the conformity of the report with the actual course of the procedure by his own signature, have heard the person named below as a witness. The witness, having been advised of the right to refuse testimony for the reasons set forward in Article 104 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and of the criminal liability for making false declarations, this pursuant to the provisions of Article 140 of the Penal Code, stated as follows:

Name and surname Franciszek Gajewski
Parents’ names Ludwik and Petronela, née Duś
Date and place of birth 24 September 1910, Słupia Nowa, commune of Słupia
Religion Roman Catholic
Occupation farmer
Place of residence Słupia Nowa, commune of Słupia Nowa, district of Kielce
Relationship to the parties none
As regards the present case, I am aware of the following facts: It happened in 1943, in March,
but I do not remember the exact date. Maria Mierzejewska was executed and buried at
Skał ka in the village of Słupia Nowa. This occurred because during the German occupation

the aforementioned Maria Mierzejewska was involved with the resistance, being denounced – in all probability – by a certain [...], the chief German informer in the locality. He is now dead, for he was killed by a partisan from the Home Army, one Pastuszko, whose name I do not know. I only heard from people who were active in the underground movement that she was burned to death in her house, together with her two children. The Germans also torched the outhouses. I do not know whether her husband was executed on the spot, or deported.

As regards other persons, I know that they were brought in from Jeleniów, Dębniak in the commune of Grzegorzowice, district of Opatów, from Bartoszowicze in the commune of Bieliny, district of Kielce, Dębno in the commune of Słupia Nowa, and from the village of Słupia Nowa in the district of Kielce. These persons were shot dead and buried at Skałka in the village of Słupia Nowa. The execution resulted from the activity of informers, who stated that these people had been working to the detriment of the Germans. It was carried out by a flying squad of SS gendarmes. I do not know the surnames of the murderers.

I have testified all the facts known to myself. At this point the report was brought to a close and read out before being signed by the witness.