In Suchedniów on this day, 8 July 1948, at 11.00 a.m., I, Marian Szot from the Citizens’ Militia Station in Suchedniów, acting on the basis of Article 20 of the provisions introducing the Code of Criminal Procedure, with the participation of reporter Wacław Smolarczyk, whom I have informed of the obligation to attest to the conformity of the report with the actual course of the procedure by his own signature, have heard the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the right to refuse to testify for the reasons set forward in Article 104 of the CCP and of the criminal liability for making false declarations, pursuant to Article 140 of the Penal Code, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Bronisława Materek
Parents’ names Antoni and Franciszka, née Miernik
Date and place of birth 24 January 1899 in Michniów, Suchedniów commune
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation housekeeper
Place of residence Ostojów, Suchedniów commune, Kielce district
Relationship to the parties none

With regard to the matter at hand I can provide the following information: I don’t remember the exact date, but it was probably on 12 July 1943. About fifty trucks with Germans arrived at the village of Michniów, Suchedniów commune, Kielce district. The Germans herded about one hundred and twenty men into the barns and burned them alive. The following day, on 13 July 1943, the Germans arrived at the village of Suchedniów. As they were surrounding the village, they opened fire, but I don’t know why. When the village was surrounded, the Germans got into every house and ordered everyone whom they found to lie on the ground.

All the people who were inside were shot with a machine gun which the Germans had with them. At that time, I, Bronisława Materek, was at home, with my two children and with two children of my cousin. My husband, Jan Materek, managed to escape into the woods.

When the Germans came to my house, they started to scream at us to lie down on the floor. I, Bronisława Materek, began to plead for mercy, but they paid no heed to my pleas and screamed at us to lie down. When I, Bronisława Materek, lay down and the four children lay down next to me, one of the Germans set up a machine gun on the legs and shot at us lying on the floor. Then they left, but because my son, Władysław Materek, hadn’t been killed and was groaning with pain, one of the Germans returned and shot him in the head. I, Materek, wish to note that I saw and heard everything very well because I had been only injured.

When the Germans went out to shoot my neighbors, I stood up and began to nudge my children. As it turned out, my son Ignacy was also alive. He was only wounded. I communicated with him in sign language to learn if he was able to go with me. He signaled that he was. Then I and my son crawled out of our house into the courtyard and hid in long grass. Right after we crawled out of the house, a new group of Germans came to set it on fire. When my house was on fire and the Germans who set it alight had left, my son and I crawled into the rye, and then to my neighbors’ orchard, where we waited until the evening, when the Germans drove away.

After the Germans’ departure I, Bronisława Materek, and my son went towards the forest to meet my husband. But because my son wasn’t able to walk we didn’t move further than about 500 meters away from the forest. We didn’t go any further. We couldn’t. We were both injured. After about half an hour people began to come in the village. It was only at that time that I received new underwear and new clothes and on the following day, that is on 14 July 1943, my son and I went to see a doctor to have our wounds treated.

I wish to add that I have heard that the Germans slaughtered and threw out people from the village because of the aid which the people offered to the partisans who visited Michniów. This was the reason why they shot and burned the inhabitants. After this murderous raid there were only four people left in Michniów: I, Bronisława Materek, my nine year old son Ignacy, Stanisława Krogulec, who still lives in Michniów, and Anna Lorens, who now lives in Ostojów, Suchedniów commune, Kielce district.

At this the report was concluded, read out and signed.