Kielce, 31 January 1948, 10.30 a.m. Stanisław Kostera from the Criminal Investigation Section of the Citizens’ Militia Station in Kielce, on the instruction of the Prosecutor from the District Court in Kielce, with the participation of court reporter Marian Poniewierka from the Criminal Investigation Section, heard the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Article 140 of the Penal Code, the witness testified as follows:
Name and surname | Franciszek Wiatrak |
Parents’ names | Józef and Anna, née Plewa |
Age | 60 years old |
Place of birth | Suchedniów, Kielce district |
Religious affiliation | Roman Catholic |
Occupation | office worker |
Place of residence | Kielce [...] |
After the Ghetto had been liquidated, in September 1942 the occupational authorities established a camp in the Henryków factory at Młynarska Street 133 in Kielce. The camp was closed in July 1944. There were only Jews in the camp.
On average, there were some 400 prisoners in the camp. I cannot specify the number of prisoners who passed through the camp during its period of operation as the prisoners were being deported and brought in all the time. Upon liquidation of the camp the prisoners were deported.
The prisoners worked in the factory, where they were involved in manufacturing military vehicles (they worked the second shift). I cannot say how the prisoners were fed in the camp, as they had their own kitchen.
There was an infirmary in the camp and the prisoners had their own doctor, Pronowski. During its period of operation, about three prisoners died in the camp.
The first execution in the above-mentioned camp took place in 1942. Ten Poles were then hanged on the factory premises. The second execution was carried out towards the end of 1943, and three prisoners were hanged then. They remained hanging for 12 hours from the gallows opposite the bath house barracks. The third execution took place in June 1944, when two prisoners were executed, also by hanging. The ten Poles and the prisoners were hanged by Jews on the order from Kurt Fuss. The prisoners were handled in the following way: if someone refused to work, he was beaten. Generally, the prisoners were treated quite badly. The ten Poles were loaded onto a cart and buried by Silnica River, and the prisoners from the camp were buried just outside the factory fence. The corpses weren’t destroyed.
No material evidence from the camp survived.
I cannot provide any personal details of the camp prisoners.
The camp commandant was Kurt Fuss, and Chertn was the chief commissioner.
At this point the report was concluded, read out and signed.