on executions and mass graves

Township: Daleszyce
Commune: Daleszyce
District: Kielce
Voivodeship: Kielce

1. Date and place of execution:

5 August 1944, Górno village and commune, Kielce district

2. Type of execution:

Shooting and bestial murder

3. Personal data of the murdered victims:

Poles, Jews, foreigners: Poles

Number of murdered victims:

The victims were brought in from:

Surname, age, occupation, address:

1) Pudygier Wojciech, 69 years old, blacksmith,

2) Michalczyk Henryk, 33 years old, farmer,

3) Pakuła Piotr, 50 years old, farmer,

4) Kozub Tomasz, 68 years old, farmer,

5) Wojciechowski Józef, 70 years old, farmer,

6) Cedro Leon, 48 years old, farmer,

7) Kraska Feliks, 35 years old, farmer,

8) Wójcik Julian, 43 years old, farmer,

9) Płóciennik Franciszek, 48 years old, policeman, 10) Troiński Kazimierz, 53 years old, policeman,

11) Troiński Eugeniusz, 22 years old, court trainee,

12) Furmanek Eugeniusz, 50 years old, farmer,

13) Furmanek Stanisław, 53 years old, farmer,

14) Komisarczyk Józef, 30 years old, farmer,

15) Liskowski Julian, 36 years old, farmer,

16) Niszke, displaced from Poznań voivodeship,

All resided in Daleszyce, Daleszyce commune, and were taken for execution to Górno village and commune, with the exception of Liskowski and Liszke.

4. Is it known what the victims were accused of, whether the execution was carried out in retaliation, etc.?

They were murdered in retaliation for resistance movement actions and the killing of one of the passing “Kalmyks” from the German Army, which was perpetrated by the civilian populace of the Daleszyce village.

5. Who carried out the execution?

Wehrmacht with 60 “Kalmyks” on horseback

6. Are the surnames of the perpetrators known?

No data

7. Were the corpses burnt or destroyed in any other way?

They were left at the site of that terrible murder in Górno village and commune, Kielce district.

8. Where were the corpses buried?

Daleszyce cemetery, Daleszyce commune, 5 meters to the north-east from the chapel

9. Description of the grave:

Grave of sand, 1.8 meters long, 10 meters wide, 16 victims buried together

10. Was there an official exhumation? Were the corpses buried officially, and if so, where?


11. Are there any grounds for exhumation in the future?

There is no such need.

On 5 October 1945, the contents of the above questionnaire were officially certified by Teofil Lizis, the head of Daleszyce commune, with the Municipal Court in Daleszyce.