On 24 March 1947, Warsaw. Judge Halina Wereńko, a member of the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Warsaw, interviewed the person named below as a witness, without administering an oath. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false statements and of the obligation to tell the truth, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Mieczysław Klapa
Parents’ names Wincenty and Katarzyna
Date of birth 11 October 1902, the Czersk sugar plant, district of Grójec
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Education 4 classes of trade school
Place of residence Warsaw, Koszykowa Street 35, flat 16
Occupation driver

During the German occupation, from the end of 1942 until the uprising in 1944, I worked at the Schmidt and Müsterman company, located at Konopnicka Street in Warsaw. The firm did the bricklaying work on the grounds of the ghetto (in particular, it built the wall around the ghetto). I transported building materials and sanitation parts to the camp in Poniatowa.

I don’t remember the name Brand. But if he was on the premises of the ghetto when I worked there, I could certainly recognize him.

Kazimierz Niedzielski worked as an office worker at the Müsterman company. I do not know his current whereabouts.

More information about the ghetto administrators can be provided by Woźniak (currently working at SPB in Warsaw) who worked on the grounds of Poniatowa camp during German occupation, and by engineer Dźwikowski.

At this point the report was brought to a close and read out.