Apolonia Kosiarska
Class 5
Elementary School in Pokrzywnica
Rzepin commune, Iłża district
Pokrzywnica, 12 November 1946

Memories of German crimes

The Germans wanted to rob our homeland, and for that every Polish man and woman, even children, have a grudge against those criminals. They were burning towns and villages and killing civilians. If someone did not die instantly, they would kick them and throw them into the fire, to die there instead. I will never forget it, I will remember until the day I die how they dragged my aunt to the fence to execute her, because she would not give them her ring with a white eagle. She refused even after all the tortures. The Germans pretended to shoot at my aunt, but she gave the ring away only when three men took it from her finger by force. It all happened in the village of Trzeszków.